Student Referral Form


Thank you for sharing your passion for CSB+SJU!

Referring a student is one of the most important steps you can take to help build our next CSB and SJU class. If you know a high school student who would make a great Bennie or Johnnie, let us know by filling out the form below!

Additional Details:

  1. If you are an alum referring a student for the Alum Referral Scholarship, please list yourself as a "CSB+SJU Graduate" and include your graduation year. Learn more about the scholarship at
  2. Upon completion of the form, we will provide a T-shirt voucher, which you can email to the student or print and give to the student.
  3. If you provide an email for the student, we will also directly email the student the T-shirt voucher.
  4. The prospective student can redeem the voucher for a T-shirt during a campus visit.
  5. Please email us at if you have any additional input about the student you are referring or have any questions.